Thursday 5 April 2012

First AR Experiments

 "AR" is short for "Augmented Reality". It's a feature of "LovePlus Tools" which allows you to take photos with the built-in 3DS camera of real environments with your (virtual) girlfriend posing for you. You put a 3D maker card on the ground somewhere, aim the 3DS camera, and once the co-ordinates are determined by the software, your character is generated within the shot.

But the fun part is that it's not a static image. Your girlfriend actually moves around and poses for you in the real environment, and you can walk all around her with the camera and line up the shot just as if she was actually there!

It's not perfect, and sadly there's no way to transfer your photos from "LovePlus Tools" out to the SD card - the shots below were taken with a camera, so they don't look great. But it's a whole lot of fun.

Here's Rinko outside my house:

A back view of Rinko looking out to the gardens...

And Rinko-chan in the backyard.

Here's Rinko in my living room, next to the TV. I think she wants to take in a movie, or maybe some anime? Have to stock up on wasabi-flavoured Calbee potato chips for next time.

And I grabbed this last shot at a friend's house while giving them a quick demo of "LovePlus Tools".

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