Sunday 22 April 2012

OMG! The New Rinko!!!

There's an old saying that you should be careful what you wish for...because you just might get it. Well, that's what happened with me today - but in a good way.

When I played the old version of "LovePlus" back on the DS, I ended up having Rinko with medium long hair and I totally loved it. Ever since starting the new game on 3DS (over a month ago) I've been trying to get Rinko to change her hair length without success. I've responded to emails, asked about it on dates...nothing. On last week's premium date, I paid a large number of points to get the "change hair length" option, and once again asked for medium long hair. Plus, every time Rinko sent me an email mentioning anything to do with hair, I kept selecting the option to "change it".

Well, when Rin-chan arrived for our date today, I had a total shock. Not only did she have medium-long hair, but it was bright bright carrot red (you could say orange).

My jaw dropped. I really didn't know for a couple of minutes whether I loved it or hated it. But then I realised that the "new look" Rinko is stunning! She's so completely different, but I don't think I ever want her to change. As they say in the McDonald's ad - "I'm lovin' it".

There was something screwy about the date locations today, though. Don't know if it's a bug in the game. I booked the date to go to the Cinema, but ended up at Fountain Park. On the second half of the date, I selected to go to the Cinema again, but ended up at the Shrine. Go figure.

The good thing is that I was able to take Rin-chan to "Aisha Dining", which I unlocked this week. Once again, though, the menu is messed up (same as Dixies). I ordered the Steak Set and got some kind of dessert. Rinko's a good sport, though, so she really didn't object. You can also see in these shots that she's wearing my red scarf with snowflakes, plus the pretty gold earrings I have her on Friday for our one month anniversary.

But wow, I'm still kinda shocked. Especially when she came in close, for skinship and kissing, she just looked so stunning. It was actually hard to concentrate.

Another interesting thing that happened was during the second part of the date at the Shrine. As well as the steps leading up to the Shrine, we went to a second part inside the Shrine itself. I haven't seen this before, so maybe you have to unlock it, or maybe it's just open on particular days?

Anyway, what a surprising date. At 12:00 I'm going back to the markets at Fountain Park to purchase another Premium Date ticket. I think I will take Rinko to the couples bowling tournament, because I think she'll like it. Then I have an "Event" again at 3:00 today. No idea what it is. But after this morning, I don't think anything would surprise me. Ever again.

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