Saturday 7 December 2013

Saturday's Study Date

Rink met me this morning for the usual walk to school, and the day looked promising - nice blue sky.

I grabbed a shot of her waving goodbye on her way to class. You can see in this photo (if you look closely) the blue ring I gave Rinko a few weeks ago. She's worn it almost every day, so I guess she really likes it. The blue ring I gave her for our one month anniversary (which was much more expensive), however, I've never seen her wear. Hm.

In the afternoon, I'd planned to go to the Shopping Mall to get a present for tomorrow's date...but Rinko cornered me and demanded another study date. When this happens (just before the exams), whatever session you've booked gets cancelled in favour of study.

Thanks to my Guide Book, I passed the first three questions and had a sweet treat for a reward...

When I passed the second set of questions, Rinko rewarded me with a change of outfit - but she chose the cheerleader outfit again. Maybe because it made me so crazy last time??? I would have preferred to see her wear something different, though...

And the next four shots are from the Intimate Photo Session, after passing the third lot of study questions. I'm getting much better at using the camera during these sessions, and I'm now able to get a full 360 degree view of Rinko's bedroom. I've never noticed this weird poster on her wall...

And the final three shots are interesting, just because it's rare to have the chance to shoot Rinko from the side or back without her turning around towards the camera.

And that looks like a pretty decent hi-fi system in the background, too...

And you can't tell by looking at the next couple of shots, but it snowed tonight in Towano for the first time! I find that snow in New LovePlus creates a very romantic mood. Rinko seems pretty out of it in the first shot, though...

We stopped into good old Dixies for a snack and some conversation. It's weird that no matter how many times I take Rinko to Dixies, Nene is never around. It would be interesting sometimes if the other two girls showed up in particular situations (but it could also be awkward, I guess).

I'm looking forward to my date with Rinko at Amou Mountain tomorrow. I'm hoping there will be snow - lots of snow!

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