Saturday 26 May 2012

Another Study Date

Well, after bombing out on yesterday's Study Date and being told off by my GF, I was happy when Rinko met me and offered me a second chance today! It was raining when I saw her, which meant I got to photograph her with the cute polka-dot umbrella one more time! And for once, I think all her colours co-ordinate nicely in this shot...

So, we went back to Rin's place, and this time I made sure to get in some kissing before the serious stuff began. That's what "study dates" are for...right? Hehe.

It's always a blast to sit next to Rinko on her bed, in her room (with that Strat in the background). Wow. If this were me in real life, I would NOT be able to control myself. Glad it's just a game...

Anyway, in between yesterday's study date and today, I found time to hit the books. Well....I hit the "New LovePlus Official Guidebook", which has all the answers for the study date questions! Yeah, I cheated. But only because I can't understand the Japanese questions (well, that's my excuse), and I didn't want to disappoint Rin-chan again.

So guess what? I totally aced the questions this time. As a reward after the first round, Rinko shared a yummy cake and coffee with me.

I chose to have two more lots of questions after that, and once again, I aced them all. If you do this on a study date, Rinko will change her outfit as a reward. And what a reward! Because her new outfit was a very skimpy blue top, which looked cool while I was kissing her.

So , it was a successful day. Tomorrow I have a date with Rinko at 3pm at the Art Gallery. I'm hoping to buy a gift for her at the Fountain Park Markets sometime tomorrow. And next week, the exams begin at school - so I hope my "hard work" during the study date doesn't go to waste.

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