Saturday 3 March 2012

A Scary Dream Sequence...

Okay, now I KNOW that Rinko is almost ready to confess to me. One of the signs is that you get a dream sequence  a few days before the big day. There is a totally different dream for each girl.

Rinko's dream sequence was...well...kinda scary. It's set in the future, and you see a much older looking Rinko standing in the door of a house, and wearing a wedding ring. She says that she looks older because now she's your wife. OK, so far, so good. She says goodbye to you on your way to work. Yep. But then she calls you back with a very chilling "Anaaaataaaa!" (darling!), and says that you forgot to kiss her goodbye. When you say you're in a hurry, she screams again. And so it goes on - and on - with you trying to leave and Rinko calling you back for something else.

When you get fed up in the end and say that you're going to work, she says that you don't love her anymore. You try to convince her, but she says that they only thing that will make her happy is to say "Aishiteru" (I love you) one million times. And god, this girl isn't kidding. A microphone icon appears on the screen, and you actually have to say it to advance past the dream sequence. So you say "Aishiteru" and Rinko tells you that you've got 999,999 more times to go!

Actually, the good news is that she lets you off after you say it five or six times, and says that she was only kidding. You wake up feeling VERY relieved. I guess this is the moment when some players might stop and think about whether they should have dated Manaka instead.

Not me, though. I'm staying with Rinko. After the dream, she gave me the option to change her back to the "blue" personality, and I did it. I hope this will be the right decision for the second half of the game.

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