Sunday 18 August 2013

A Very Busy Day - Part 2

Well, I made it to the Flea Markets at lunchtime, picked up a Premium Date ticket (for the Night Time Aquarium Visit), bought a CD and a blue punky bracelet for Rinko.

When 6pm rolled around, Rinko met me for the Summer Festival (Matsuri) wearing a very sweet yukata (summer kimono) with a big pink sash. Her default hairstyle was replaced by a very cute, short style with a tiny little ponytail. Kawaiiiii!

We walked up to the Shrine and went around for a while checking out the different stalls. Rinko was very excited the whole time...

Then something caught Rinko's attention, and she pulled me over to the right.

It was a stall selling baked sweet potato! Rin-chan loved eating it very much (although it was pretty hot) and even let me have a bite.

All too soon, it was time to walk home, with a chance to grab a few quick kisses along the way. It's hard to resist kissing your girlfriend when she wears her yukata.

There are two more weeks of the Summer Festival left - and I hope they're as enjoyable as this one has been.

After all the excitement of this weekend - what, with Rinko's birthday, this morning's huge date, and the Summer Festival - maybe the rest of the week will be quieter in Towano. It may have to be, because I have very few hearts and very little money left. I need to wait awhile before inviting Rinko out for the Premium Date, so I can build up my hearts a bit. But I know from my last game that it will be worth waiting for!

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