Sunday 27 April 2014

Swimsuit Shopping

This afternoon's Event turned out to be swimsuit shopping, which I assume is in preparation for next week's two-day trip to Kinugawa. I met Rinko at the Shopping Mall, looking just as adorable as she did this morning (although the pink jacket clashes a bit).

And then we headed to the swimsuit section. You get the option for her to wear either a one-piece or a bikini. I chose a one-piece, because I think this is a little more modest for my Rinko.

After that, you can have your girlfriend try up to three different swimsuits (and take photos, hehe). The first one was yellow and stripy.

Rinko seemed a little embarrassed by the whole thing.

The second swimsuit had coloured stars:

And the third one was yellow with white flowers and an orange overskirt.

In the end, I chose to buy the first yellow one-piece for Rinko, and then we left the Shopping Mall and headed home together.

I finished up the day by taking Rinko out to Aisha Dining for a quick chat.

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