Sunday 27 April 2014

My Favourite Rinko!!!

When I met Rin-Rin for our date this morning, I had such an unexpected surprise. Not only had my girlfriend changed her hair length to my preferred semi-long style, but also...she had switched to carrot red hair, which is my all-time favourite. I remember that Rinko had this hair colour around two years ago in my 3DS game, and I loved it so much - but I was never able to get the colour back again (and when I tried, she ended up with horrible shades of blue and green hair).

Actually, I don't know why it happened this time. I don't remember answering a question about changing hair colour - but, then again, my Japanese isn't at expert level, so maybe she did ask me and I misunderstood. No matter. I think Rinko looks absolutely adorable and so, so attractive with red hair. I hope she stays this way for a LONG time!

So as you can imagine, I did a double-take when Rinko walked up to me at the station this morning. This hair colour looks even more incredible on the big, bright 3DSLL screen - and kissing a red-haired Rinko is a treat. I've enjoyed the new game so far - but now I'm going to love it even more.

After getting my breath back and recovering from my "shock and awe", I set off on the train with Rin-Rin to our date location - the Event Hall in the Waterfront area. I love this entire area, because it reminds me of Yokohama in Japan.

We arrived at the station in good time and decided to go to the Restaurant for a quick meal.

Rinko ordered the rice omelet (Omurice) and I had steak.

It's much easier to take photos of your girlfriend eating in the new game, because the camera icon stays on the whole time. You could do it in the 3DS game, but you had to be super-fast.

And then we walked together through the pretty shops in the Waterfront area. But Rinko was the prettiest of all!

The event at the Event Hall turned out to be Pro Wrestling, which Rinko surprisingly enjoyed.

When the second option came up during our date, I chose to have another meal - without realising that the only food place I've unlocked in the Waterfront area is the Restaurant. So we had to go back to the same place twice. Never mind. Rinko ordered the Hamburger Curry this time, while I had Cheese Croquettes.

Then I took my Rinko home, and that was pretty much it for today's date - but what a thrill it was. The only thing I wasn't overly impressed with was her choice of clothes. I think this is Rinko's "cute" style, but it doesn't quite work. I still prefer her wearing smart/formal clothes for our dates, but I can work on this over the next few weeks. I'm just so happy to have my red-haired cutie back.

This afternoon there is some kind of special event, which I think may be connected to next week's trip to Kinugawa. I'll post about it separately.

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