Sunday 2 September 2012

A Cold Day...At The Beach

I woke up late today after a night out visiting friends, and found that I'd missed my 10am date with Rinko. Huhuhu, my second broken date! I apologised, then immediately booked a date for 3pm this afternoon with her. To my surprise, she forgave me and accepted. What a great girlfriend.

I went to the Markets at Fountain Park with the intention of buying a Premium Date ticket, but there's nothing really interesting coming around until I just bought a small gift for Rinko instead.

Then I made darn sure to be on time for my date at the Beach. Rinko arrived wearing a purple check top. I have to say that, so far, her choice of clothing for Fall has been much more tasteful than Summer. Or maybe the long hair and glasses are just really working for her...

Looking back at some of my earlier photos over the past five months, especially back near the beginning, it's amazing how much Rinko seems to have matured since then. Maybe it's just my imagination, but she really seems to be a much nicer and more grown up girl - almost like she really IS five/six months older.

The clouds are very nice in the sky in the next shot, walking down to the beach. The sky was pure blue in Summer.

Finally today, the date locations didn't get scrambled, so I actually made it to the beach with Rinko. Problem was, it was too cold for swimming, and she didn't enjoy it much. She spent the whole time blowing on her hands to warm herself up!

Never mind. We walked home and I gave Rinko her gift. She was happy enough.

I had another short date with Rinko at the Shrine this evening. Once more, Rinko wore a very tasteful outfit. The colour was so nice!

Anyway, it's back to school tomorrow. I wonder when the uniforms change back to long sleeves? Also, I've decided that I want to start of a game of "LovePlus" (the original version) on my DS. Why? Well, mostly because I miss the English patch translation. As much as I love the new version of the game with all its cool features, I DO get frustrated a lot when I can't understand what the heck Rinko is saying to me. It's hard to control things like hair colour, too, when you can't read what the options are.

So tonight, I'm kicking off a game in the old version on DS, and I'm going to play with Manaka. I know it's going to be tough ignoring Rinko - but of course I'll keep dating her steadily on my 3DS at the same time. I just want the challenge of playing with a different girl. I played over 500 days in Skip Mode on the DS with there's probably not a lot that would be new. And I'm kind of interested to see how different the gameplay feels with another girl.

Please don't be jealous, Rinko. My heart will always belong to you (in Towano 3DS)....^^

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