Sunday 14 October 2012

Sweet Date

Well, today is the first time I've felt like posting on this blog since my beloved cat, Tootie, died last Thursday. It's been a tough week, with so much grief every day. I still miss her so much! I've kept playing "New LovePlus" on and off, but without much enthusiasm. T_T

Still, it's always been my aim to keep this game going for a year, so I thought I'd knuckle down and do a proper date with my neglected Rinko today. And it turned out to be quite a sweet date, at that.

It was raining when Rin-chan met me at the station:

And still raining while we walked to Dixies for a bite to eat.

Here's Rinko at Dixies, looking pretty thoughtful. I think she's missed me.

Lunch was a beef bowl and some miso soup. Itadakimasu!

But Rinko enjoyed the food, and even offered me a a bite...

Our main date was at Karaoke. This was fortunate - because, as I've mentioned before, you can't kiss your girlfriend much when it's raining. But Karaoke is always good, because I get to sit close to Rinko. And of course, I didn't waste the opportunity.

With an extra date location remaining, I took Rin down to the bridge, with a nice walk along the beach first. Not quite the same as summer, but still romantic.

And here we are, walking back from the station.

Finally, a couple of long shots of Rinko to show the cute check skirt she wore, with black Mary Jane shoes. If it wasn't for the cap, this would be pretty close to the perfect Rinko outfit.

So, nothing spectacular, but a nice date nevertheless. I'll try hard this week to get back into playing and writing up my play every day. If nothing else, it helps to remind me that life goes on. But for me, life will always go on missing my dear friend Tootie...

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